Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Giving Love like Giving Blood"

This is another poem that I wrote a long time ago, but I really love it and figured I'd share.
(Written 5-10-10)

A girl with the most admirable of intentions
To find for herself what she knew was elusive and often harboring pretentions
Sucks in air, breathes deep, settles into the chair,
And smiles though she’s scared
His reassuring face, his silky voice, is pleasant enough
But swallowing down her rising fear is tough
This is something so risky, possibly mordacious, and new,
Something she has not yet had the pleasure to grow used to
She’s never felt this way before
She trembles in her seat, but she wants more
She wants to follow through
To be brave, a soldier risking red blood once blue
What terrifies her most is not a punctured vein
She doesn’t let herself linger on pain
But the threat of a long term detrimental change
Has her hesitant to squeeze his hand and rearrange
Her independence is precious, but she was willing to share
If only he could promise her that he would always be there
The instant it pierced her flesh she panicked 
A rivulet of deep purple streamed down her arm and she grew frantic
She could feel it leaving her, the necessities draining
And in realizing that the sensation was real, she felt like fainting
But for her, to quit was to fail
Not only in the act, but also for herself, and she dug in with her nails
He would feel the pain, and suffer through her distress
And only if at the conclusion, he was there crooning still, would she confess
The bruising he saw rushing to her very fragile arms this instant,
Was something with witch she was familiar, a reminder, she’d thought she’d needed distance
But the dark and gruesome shading would prove
That out of things perilous, harmful, and arduous to struggle though
Spring things that despite a few wounds of the body and soul
Make it all seem worth while, convincing her to strive towards that goal