Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Giving Love like Giving Blood"

This is another poem that I wrote a long time ago, but I really love it and figured I'd share.
(Written 5-10-10)

A girl with the most admirable of intentions
To find for herself what she knew was elusive and often harboring pretentions
Sucks in air, breathes deep, settles into the chair,
And smiles though she’s scared
His reassuring face, his silky voice, is pleasant enough
But swallowing down her rising fear is tough
This is something so risky, possibly mordacious, and new,
Something she has not yet had the pleasure to grow used to
She’s never felt this way before
She trembles in her seat, but she wants more
She wants to follow through
To be brave, a soldier risking red blood once blue
What terrifies her most is not a punctured vein
She doesn’t let herself linger on pain
But the threat of a long term detrimental change
Has her hesitant to squeeze his hand and rearrange
Her independence is precious, but she was willing to share
If only he could promise her that he would always be there
The instant it pierced her flesh she panicked 
A rivulet of deep purple streamed down her arm and she grew frantic
She could feel it leaving her, the necessities draining
And in realizing that the sensation was real, she felt like fainting
But for her, to quit was to fail
Not only in the act, but also for herself, and she dug in with her nails
He would feel the pain, and suffer through her distress
And only if at the conclusion, he was there crooning still, would she confess
The bruising he saw rushing to her very fragile arms this instant,
Was something with witch she was familiar, a reminder, she’d thought she’d needed distance
But the dark and gruesome shading would prove
That out of things perilous, harmful, and arduous to struggle though
Spring things that despite a few wounds of the body and soul
Make it all seem worth while, convincing her to strive towards that goal

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Girl's True Love

This is a poem I wrote a long time ago for my best friend.

A Girl’s True Love
Dedicated to Krystal Saint James
By Victoria Wolfgang

A longing for closeness in everyone thrives
And most commonly mistake the filler.
Solemness of lonely pierces like knives
When one’s view is but one in the mirror.

However, luck seemed to shine upon me
When by chance I uncovered an answer
An unexpected friendship came to be
We laughed, matured, all the while together.

Seeking soul’s Companion? Unrealistic.
Someone to love forever? A true friend.
While he’s just passing through you heart, she’ll stick
She’s a crying shoulder there for your mend

And looking back, you know she never left,
Was the one to steal your heart not in theft,

Thursday, November 17, 2011



How dare you preach about trust
"Its so misleading. Its so hard to find."
When you yourself gave in to lust
and sacrificed the one girl's heart who had been nothing but kind
She alone loved you unconditionally
In her eyes there was no other man
And you let her fall carelessly
To woo a few adoring fans
You told her how you'd been hurt, battered and bruised
And she made the most valiant attempt to reassure you
So naturally she was dumbfounded when the tables were turned
And the time came for her to have her own heart burned
A whole right through the center where a fortress once stood
But she built the wall back up much swifter
Then you would have ever dreamed she could

Monday, November 14, 2011

Sound the Alarm for Someone in Need

This is a poem I dedicate to a sweet boy that I knew back in middle school. He committed suicide a few years back because he was bullied horribly in high school. The night of the funeral so many people showed up to pay their respects that everyone couldn't fit inside the church. Rest in Peace.

“Sound the Alarm for Someone in Need”

Has simply being kind to one another become such a drudgery task?
I ponder this grievous question so often; I feel the need to ask
Why friendships and civility have become something to feign
And people seem to really not comprehend the magnitude of pain
That harsh words and snide comments can inflict
Upon an ego, a person’s heart that is already terribly sick
You never really can tell the hardships any one person could bear
So I ask you once again, Why Wouldn’t you treat them fair?
How have they wronged you?  What ever have they done?
That has impelled you to taunt, and see treating them wrongly as fun
What do you get out of this, a laugh, an expedient way out?
Instead of behaving generously, and choosing a more difficult route
Surely you were raised better, Go hang your head in shame
If all the while you’ve been so mean, to achieve a little more fame
And aren’t we just as much to blame, for so long have we let this go
With eyes not so blind as biased, and hearts oh so shallow
To refrain from stepping in for someone who has done no one harm
To sit by aimlessly and watch, instead of sounding the alarm

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Monster Inside

"The Monster Inside"

The monster inside has long been dormant and sleeping
Since back when its vessel was of a flimsy, weak innocence
But out of unplanned and unlucky circumstances, the monster is awake and creeping
A creature that feeds on anxiety and fear, whose only goal is malevolence
It whispers glorious, astounding, terrible thoughts into her ear
And shows itself to outsiders so rarely that they never speculate it’s there
Things she never thought herself capable of, acts she could never even fathom,
Replay over in her mind, at every blink of an eye, at every rest of her head
She feels so betrayed, abandoned, and trapped by her lonesome
And the monster has blurred her vision red
By taking advantage of her loving intentions
It has become the most dangerous type of  monster
And though she’s sure these persistent thoughts will never lead to actions,
She too, is unaware of the monster’s increasing power
Just when she thought that perhaps she could escape its will
It captures the parasite eating away at her guts,
And uses this as fuel to reside inside a little longer still
It croons that it means her well, that it alone can keep her dark secrets
It tells her that everything will be ok, and that’s all she ever wanted
The voice speaks from her mind, from within the seemingly gentle breeze
A vulgar sound murmuring lies, that eat away at her like acid
And grow stronger with every vague reminder that she sees
This monster cannot be banished nor tamed
It is not a creature that ever simply goes away
And those who give it home are doomed to be shamed
For it is a part of who they are, and it will always stay
It is not a hopeless battle
But it is an eternal one
Fighting back is never futile
But can she see that on her own?
(I've started pairing my poems with some of the various photography and modeling  pictures I have, just to kind of incorporate some of my other creative outlets on this blog along with poetry)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Dooming her Heart

This is a story about something that happened a long time ago, something that I have been unable to get out of my mind lately...

"Dooming her Heart"

She knew what she was getting herself into
Even after all that he had put her heart through
The petty mind games and the pain,
The inconceivable chains that held her to him
And the struggle to free herself; a strain
She lied to herself time and time again
That she was over her infatuation, merely wanting to be friends
But when his presence was near
Her heart no doubt beat more rapidly out of fear
Fear of a reunion that she knew would take her back
Returning to a time when the power to say no was one she lacked
Not out of a pressure or influence unto her state of mind,
But out of her own decision to love him and remain blind
Undiscerning to the facts she knew well about his nature
His recurring past wouldn’t be one, even now, to falter
Although he promised, crooned and boasted
Of his infallible dedication, that which she once believed she had
His intentions meant well, even at the end of their first relation
And the actuality of his bemusement lied in this love-sick nation
So in giving him this reprieve; this second chance
She hoped she wasn’t dooming her heart
When the mans predictability was a clear science
One that hadn’t changed her feelings for him, not even from the start
And he’s telling her now that he cares
That their separation of the past was a decision he made scared
Scared of pillaging her innocence
An act of his that left her bitter with a vengeance
Was proving to her now, a fact of which she was already aware
That the boy she found such fascination with had a conscience so fair
Although cliché, she loved everything about him, even the things she hated
His beauty was something simple, but was particular to her tastes and tempted
An uncharacteristic reaction out of her that no other could induce
He was one to always tell the truth, the boy who with one breath could seduce
She loved his enthusiasm for anatomy, especially her own
She loved his goodnights every night on the phone
And when he dared to call her his baby, like he used to all those months before
Her heart skipped a beat and she had to catch her wind
With a warning that at any instant he could leave her alone again to walk out the door
But he was charming and he was handsome
He was humble, so clever, and polite
He held such intelligence within, and a humor that always inspired her to write
She even liked his bad boy appeal
Appeasing the rebellion inside her that previously she’d tried to seal
He had a voice that soothed her ears, and a touch so gentle and soft
But also the fortitude and brawn to protect her
Sending her inhibitions far and her spirits aloft
Within his arms, she felt safe and whenever his company was nearby
And all of this is what kept her up late at night when she needed shuteye
His jeep, his bike, his drumming, and Mac-n-cheese were bonuses sure nice
But what captivated her most was his beautiful changing eyes
She’d forget the power they held until he’d catch her off guard in a stare
An enchanting trap unconsciously set to ensnare
And it was during one of these such instances when she was tangled up
That he told her what she had heard, and wanted so desperately to believe last time
The promise that he would stick around, but she could never take his word as a sure sign
All that could prove it to her now was the passing of time, a fact he knew and stated
A fact that meant uncertainty, stress, and waiting, one she detested and hated
But not a fact that could relinquish her single-minded devotion
Towards this boy who so effortlessly had her heart stolen
And with the anxiety of his possible retreat looming
She made a choice not so rational in respect to her dooming

Monday, October 24, 2011

Kissing Demise

This is one of my shortest poems. I figured since Halloween is coming up in a few days I might as well be festive. It basically references a particular monster. You should be able to figure out which kind by the end ;] hehe. But it is also a metaphor for a real life situation/relationship. 

“Kissing Demise”

In looming darkness she seeks
Unknowingly pursued by shadow’s hunger
Plunged into condemned embrace when he speaks

And she’s mesmerized
As he traps her with dark eyes

A clever predator, He invokes devotion
For she’ll not catch herself
In the time before he makes the final motion

A finale of a lifetime;
An insignificance of a cursed existence

Happy Halloween!