Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Monster Inside

"The Monster Inside"

The monster inside has long been dormant and sleeping
Since back when its vessel was of a flimsy, weak innocence
But out of unplanned and unlucky circumstances, the monster is awake and creeping
A creature that feeds on anxiety and fear, whose only goal is malevolence
It whispers glorious, astounding, terrible thoughts into her ear
And shows itself to outsiders so rarely that they never speculate it’s there
Things she never thought herself capable of, acts she could never even fathom,
Replay over in her mind, at every blink of an eye, at every rest of her head
She feels so betrayed, abandoned, and trapped by her lonesome
And the monster has blurred her vision red
By taking advantage of her loving intentions
It has become the most dangerous type of  monster
And though she’s sure these persistent thoughts will never lead to actions,
She too, is unaware of the monster’s increasing power
Just when she thought that perhaps she could escape its will
It captures the parasite eating away at her guts,
And uses this as fuel to reside inside a little longer still
It croons that it means her well, that it alone can keep her dark secrets
It tells her that everything will be ok, and that’s all she ever wanted
The voice speaks from her mind, from within the seemingly gentle breeze
A vulgar sound murmuring lies, that eat away at her like acid
And grow stronger with every vague reminder that she sees
This monster cannot be banished nor tamed
It is not a creature that ever simply goes away
And those who give it home are doomed to be shamed
For it is a part of who they are, and it will always stay
It is not a hopeless battle
But it is an eternal one
Fighting back is never futile
But can she see that on her own?
(I've started pairing my poems with some of the various photography and modeling  pictures I have, just to kind of incorporate some of my other creative outlets on this blog along with poetry)

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