This is a story about something that happened a long time ago, something that I have been unable to get out of my mind lately...
"Dooming her Heart"
She knew what she was getting herself into
Even after all that he had put her heart through
The petty mind games and the pain,
The inconceivable chains that held her to him
And the struggle to free herself; a strain
She lied to herself time and time again
That she was over her infatuation, merely wanting to be friends
But when his presence was near
Her heart no doubt beat more rapidly out of fear
Fear of a reunion that she knew would take her back
Returning to a time when the power to say no was one she lacked
Not out of a pressure or influence unto her state of mind,
But out of her own decision to love him and remain blind
Undiscerning to the facts she knew well about his nature
His recurring past wouldn’t be one, even now, to falter
Although he promised, crooned and boasted
Of his infallible dedication, that which she once believed she had
His intentions meant well, even at the end of their first relation
And the actuality of his bemusement lied in this love-sick nation
So in giving him this reprieve; this second chance
She hoped she wasn’t dooming her heart
When the mans predictability was a clear science
One that hadn’t changed her feelings for him, not even from the start
And he’s telling her now that he cares
That their separation of the past was a decision he made scared
Scared of pillaging her innocence
An act of his that left her bitter with a vengeance
Was proving to her now, a fact of which she was already aware
That the boy she found such fascination with had a conscience so fair
Although cliché, she loved everything about him, even the things she hated
His beauty was something simple, but was particular to her tastes and tempted
An uncharacteristic reaction out of her that no other could induce
He was one to always tell the truth, the boy who with one breath could seduce
She loved his enthusiasm for anatomy, especially her own
She loved his goodnights every night on the phone
And when he dared to call her his baby, like he used to all those months before
Her heart skipped a beat and she had to catch her wind
With a warning that at any instant he could leave her alone again to walk out the door
But he was charming and he was handsome
He was humble, so clever, and polite
He held such intelligence within, and a humor that always inspired her to write
She even liked his bad boy appeal
Appeasing the rebellion inside her that previously she’d tried to seal
He had a voice that soothed her ears, and a touch so gentle and soft
But also the fortitude and brawn to protect her
Sending her inhibitions far and her spirits aloft
Within his arms, she felt safe and whenever his company was nearby
And all of this is what kept her up late at night when she needed shuteye
His jeep, his bike, his drumming, and Mac-n-cheese were bonuses sure nice
But what captivated her most was his beautiful changing eyes
She’d forget the power they held until he’d catch her off guard in a stare
An enchanting trap unconsciously set to ensnare
And it was during one of these such instances when she was tangled up
That he told her what she had heard, and wanted so desperately to believe last time
The promise that he would stick around, but she could never take his word as a sure sign
All that could prove it to her now was the passing of time, a fact he knew and stated
A fact that meant uncertainty, stress, and waiting, one she detested and hated
But not a fact that could relinquish her single-minded devotion
Towards this boy who so effortlessly had her heart stolen
And with the anxiety of his possible retreat looming
She made a choice not so rational in respect to her dooming
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